Here's to Something Better Than Our Original Eden

Art, The Works, 27 March 2020
And deaths, are but gates to a place where everything will be even more perfect than our original Eden.

Remember our solemn pledge to make death
as the most celebrated milestone in life?
And on how trivial things are necessarily essential before kissing the earth goodbye?

On how we should tread carefully and watch our steps closely,
only to forget how soft and welcoming our Mother Earth is.

When life was just one blink away from these flawed eyes,
we contemplated on how rough the pebbles might be to our barely-able feet,
how sharp the leaves could be to our fragile skin,
and on how we kept our fear locked inside the walls,
which, shamefully, only as thick as papers.

When lights are just too dim to show
the remarkable beauty in life,
and how prayers are the only way to pursue our long lost truth.

Seeing how green things are,
How jolly our journey is,
How sweet the blessings of
all senses which God has bestowed upon us;

Our lives,
we agreed,
are already at their best.

And deaths,
are but gates to a place
where everything will be even more perfect than
our original Eden.





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